Friday, June 17, 2011

Gujarat Government objects to Port Regulatory Authority Bill of Central Govt.

The Gujarat government has taken exception to the Union government's proposed Port Regulatory Authority Bill, claiming that it would prove detrimental to the development of ports in the country, especially those in Gujarat.

Mr Saurabh Patel, Gujarat's Minister for Finance, Industries, Planning and Petrochemicals, said the proposed Bill was aimed at taking away the autonomy and freedom of the state governments without taking into account the legal framework. The Gujarat government, he said, had already submitted its views on the draft Ports Authority Bill 2011 and was strongly opposing it.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 13th Maritime States Development Council Meeting which concluded here recently, Mr Patel apprised that the state government would request the Union government and the Shipping Ministry to have an open discussion on the matter.

The Minister highlighted that Gujarat's ports had achieved 12.34 per cent annual growth in traffic during 2010-11, which was better than the growth rate of 1.6 per cent of the Major Ports.

He stressed that as Gujarat has been a pioneer in port sector development, it had no need for such governing bodies. Besides, the state already has the Gujarat Maritime Board which has been doing the job of a regulator since 1981. "Hence, the very purpose of the draft bill is questionable," Mr Patel contended.

The Minister emphasized that under the federal structure, the Central and state governments should work in tandem and with mutual consent. Hence, "bringing such a bill would be detrimental to the development of not only Gujarat's ports but ports across the country," he cautioned

He reminded the Union government that autonomy and freedom were the two basic pillars of the success of maritime states.

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