Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Planning Commission panel set up to boost exports, FDI

The Planning Commission (PC) has set up a working group to recommend government policies aimed at enabling the private sector to meet the targeted increase in exports.

The latest move is bit of a surprise as it has come at a time when the government has made it clear that it will not extend the Duty Entitlement Passbook scheme (DEPB) for exporters beyond September.

With PC member, Mr Saumitra Chaudhuri at the helm, the group will not only identify policy measures to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI), especially in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors, but will also assess India's experience with FDI and foreign institutional investors.

The group would also assess existing schemes for export promotion, to explore various methods to further encourage private players.

Besides, the panel will take stock of the country's comparative advantages in trade, with specific reference to manufacturing goods and farm products, and whether these have moved over the past decade. In addition, it will make suggestions on how Free Trade Agreements and Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreements can be fitted into the framework of multilateral arrangements.

The group will take a view on the experience with special economic zones (SEZs) and other special trade facilitating measures, at a time when SEZ developers are voicing their disapproval of the government's bid to impose Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) on them.

Lastly, the panel will take stock of market assess issues, including non-tariff trade barriers.

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